
cpc000cpc wrote on 8/15/2011, 7:35 PM


Select your clip on the timeline and go to the 'Effects' tab >> 'Video effects' >>  'Speed'. If you stay within the range of half  speed to double the original speed the audio will play faster but at normal pitch, but the audio can be adjusted separately. There is also a 'Stretch' mouse mode that will do the same thing. If you want the video to go even faster or slower you need to un-group the audio from the video first.




Hatukah wrote on 8/16/2011, 1:36 AM

Hey cpc00cpc.


I really appreciate the quick answer. Lovely!! I will check out what you said.


Thanx again!

mirjamnh wrote on 2/10/2013, 6:56 AM



Select your clip on the timeline and go to the 'Effects' tab >> 'Video effects' >>  'Speed'. If you stay within the range of half  speed to double the original speed the audio will play faster but at normal pitch, but the audio can be adjusted separately. There is also a 'Stretch' mouse mode that will do the same thing. If you want the video to go even faster or slower you need to un-group the audio from the video first.




It seems that when I do this, the frame rate doubles as well. What do I do if I want the frame rate to stay the same? Can't the program delete like every other frame or something? Please help, I've been trying for hours now :(
I don't have audio attached so that's not a problem.

cpc000cpc wrote on 2/11/2013, 12:48 PM


If a clip has been 'stretched' (in) to play at twice normal speed, as toonbase requested, then the calculated frame rate has to double. Why do you want to delete frames? If your project is set for say 25 frames per second and contains a 50 fps clip the export will only use every other frame from the double speed section. You don't need to take any out.

