Your question is a very strange one for this forum!
Essentially, whether one is VAT-registered or not, one pays VAT on any purchase. Being VAT-registered, as I am for my small business, allows me to reclaim the VAT I pay on purchases, the "input tax", but I must charge VAT on anything I sell, the "output" tax, and this is paid to the Tax and Revenue authorities in my home country. If I have received more "output" tax than I have paid as "input" tax in any particular time period, I pay the difference to the tax authorities; if my "input" tax is greater than my "output" tax, the tax authorities pay me the difference.
I'm not sure whether that is at all helpful to you since I am not at all sure what lies behind your question.
Yes. And I wonder whether Magix has this number... (I have and I do not want to pay "foreign EU" VAT when I buy a Magix product, because it is not worthy to "ask back" from a foreign Tax authority..., more convenient to have the number on both sides. Very easy to get it.
. . . . And I wonder whether Magix has this number... (I have and I do not want to pay "foreign EU" VAT when I buy a Magix product, because it is not worthy to "ask back" from a foreign Tax authority..., more convenient to have the number on both sides . . . .
When you purchase between EU countries and have to pay VAT on a product, for example in Germany, you claim/offset it on your VAT refund in your country - the exception being Schengen area members who are not full EU members - different rules apply .
See this document - and exceptions linked to in the various scenarios.