John my hard drive died and I had to reinstall all the software on the replacement so it was a new install. In desperation, last night I removed the program and will attempt a reinstall tonight. It worked perfectly to import photos before this nightmare began so I can only hope it was a download glitch or due to Windows 10. I will let you know what happens. Thanks for your help.
Jeff it is Photo Mgr Deluxe I have just reinstalled and so far, so good with no errors but I chose the minimum program install without all of the extras so perhaps that was the issue? Thanks John and Jeff for your quick responses to my problem. I guess the answer is to uninstall and reinstall. is the latest version, but I confess to not remembering anything about extras. With many other Magix programs there is a core program, sometimes available Free, but choosing to buy a paid-for upgrade variant then allows the user to access, download and install various extras and add-ons. In the case of PhotoManager I'm not sure what they would be?