magix edit pro 17 plus, i edited a video, i used T for cutting clips and docking them next to each other and used fade to black in between takes.
now the video was an hour long, i have it down to 2:27 minutes. I saved the file to my computer, then exported it for the web on my computer, i try to upload to the net (facebook, youtube) and the video length is being read as an hour long, which is actually the same size as original video.
i'm looking in the manual, i was hoping to find somethig along the lines of "end point", i googled it, but not finding what i need to have it read it's not a hour long.
my video software is
movie edit pro 17 plus hd
my computer is
windows 7 home premium
AMD Athlon II x2 215 processor
64 bit operating sysstem
i read through 3 pages of questions asked,, i did an end marker and start marker, not sure if this is what i need to do.
but the video keeps on going after it has ended, what can i do? Can someone help me?
Thank you.