I would like to have a wav or mp3 sound play when a page is loaded. Also when a object like an image, or button, etc., is moused over or clicked on. Not finding it easily. Thanks,
I can't directly answer your question, though I'm sure others who use the program may well be able to do so, but speaking for myself, if I opened a web page and was immediately met with an autoplaying audio file, I would be highly likely to close that page quickly, especially if I could not find a method of stopping the audio!
🙃 I like sounds and visuals.. they can work together if the sounds aren't overpowering, IMHO. HTML5 apparently now has support for audio, just now figured it out... you just drag an mp3 file into the window and a popup asks you if you want the site to autostart the sound when the page loads or if you want a small control bar for it for manual control.
Now what I would like to know is if there is a way to get sounds attached to buttons or other objects when they are pushed or moused over.. click sounds, etc.
I suggest that you join the TalkGraphics Forum which is dedicated to Xara. There, you will find a lot of information under the Web part, including many variations of your request. Just hunt through the topics or do a search.
Treat audio files in exactly the same way as you would video eg drag the audio file on to the web page and follow through the dialogs, Xara WD does the rest for you.
However I have to agree with Jeffs comment, this is one of the quickest ways of getting a viewer to leave the site and bad practice, it is good etiquette to offer the option to play the audio rather than force it upon them.
Yes, was resolved over on Talkgraphics by using some Java script input which is necessary in order to get music to play automatically with out the control being visible. Good help over there, thanks everyone for referring me.
PS: The audio I am using is low volume, only on the entry page and adds to the ambience of the page graphics. Sounds are just as important as visuals if they are used properly, would you watch TV or a movie with the sound off? 😉 Other audio sounds I use are mainly just for button clicks, etc. and also are not obnoxious.