Elastic Audio in Magix Music Maker 2014 or Magix Music Studio 2014?

tkawertz wrote on 5/26/2014, 11:02 AM

I was looking to purchase the new version of either Magix Music Maker 2014 or Magix Music Studio 2014, but after doing the trial, I see they have removed the "Elastic Audio" feature and replaced it with the dumbed-down "Vocal Tune" feature.

Am I missing something, or is this feature excluded from the new version of the program?

If it is included in the previous version (2013), is there somewhere that still sells that version of the program? I would have purchased the program, but really liked the elastic audio feature from older versions.


Former user wrote on 5/26/2014, 6:35 PM

In the past, every MM was actually a stand alone program....true, they came out yearly but they weren't really "upgrades" and so Magix would take some stuff out and put "newer and different " stuff in.....usually it made no sense and it wouold upset quite a few customers who would assume, rightfully so, that they had purchased Elastic Audio  in one version, but it was nowhere to be seen in another or different version and whhile you sometimes could download a feature from one program to another,Magix's official posistion was that it would not support the transferring of ffeatures.  They are now looking  onto this issue to allow transfering of features.....stay tuned.  As to your other query....if you owned MM2013 and regeistered it, you can go online, retireve your Lic # P2-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx and so on  and then redownload 2013.....does any of this helpp you ?