Easy way to change BPM?

AllisonT wrote on 7/17/2022, 11:54 AM

Hello! I was still using Magix Music Maker 2014 and finally upgraded to 2023 Premium. I'm wondering if there is another way to change a clip's BPM besides the dial/graph in 2023? I often set specific clips to certain BPMs, and I miss being able to just type the BPM in as I could in 2014. It's quite cumbersome to mess with the dial/graph and I can't always get the exact BPM I am trying to get. Is there a setting or view I am not finding?

2023 Premium:




Wim-Henderieckx wrote on 12/31/2022, 1:26 AM

For me it is possible to type the bpm. It is below the slider. But I like to change the bpm for complete songs to match them with other songs. For a precise result I need to change the bpm to for example to 121.1234, I notice it is only possible to change it to 121.1. Is there another way of changing the tempo?