Thanks a lot for testing that. Leaves me baffled at the moment as to why mine doesn't work. Was your test with MEP17 (like my project) or MX (which I'll test later today)?
Yes, tried default reset, tried old projects inclluding an ultra simple new one of just 3 JPGs, tried rebooting PC, kicking my desk. Still get exactly the same issues. And that's in MEP17 and MX. Something really fundamental must be wrong.
Any more ideas? I've also sent a ticketed report to Support.
A default reset does not do the same as deleting the ini file. If the ini file has a partially corrupt entry - not the value which I think gets reset with a default reset - then you need to get rid of it.
One of the first steps I usually take in problem situations like this is to replace the INI with previusly backed up versions and then, if that doesn't work, to delete it all together. None of that made any difference.
But I have more to report.
In MEP17 the situation remains the same. No menus in any category allows use of the chapter numbering option. That's my number one issue.
MEP16: all works fine.
MEP MX is interesting. When I originally tested it I tried only that same menu I had tries in MEP17, and as reported that too failed. But after the MEP16 tests I went back to MX and found that in all menus the numbering option was now accessible, but in many cases did not work properly. I methodically tested every menu, with these results:
DVD Animated
Only 1 of 5 worked. That was #2 from left, Soft Edge.
User Defined
All but 1 of 28 worked. That was #2, Coffee & Cake.
Static HD
All but 1 of 8 worked. That was #2, Our Wedding
Animated HD
21/31 did not work. A couple of examples from left: #1 Neon, #3 Purple Glass, #4 Sparkles, etc