Drum maps

Hyperdriver wrote on 10/21/2018, 8:04 AM

Just got Acid Pro 8 and so far all is good except for the apparent lack of drum mappings. There are a lot of excellent drum instruments selectable as soft synths but no drum grid unless (according to the manual) a drum map is created. There are maps for the GM instrument. Are there drum maps for these instruments that I have missed? It seems odd to give us so many good sounds and no grid to program them on


Will-Kenworthy wrote on 10/21/2018, 5:46 PM

I just load a drum instrument (to a MIDI track) and start recording. Drum map is loaded with the instrument, at least on my system .....

Do you have the 8.0.7 update installed? previous versions did have problems with MIDI and VSTi instruments.


Hyperdriver wrote on 10/22/2018, 7:04 AM

Thanks for the reply .I can't remember the version number but when I did a manual check for updates after fully installing and it reported no updates were available. But I WILL check later.

Just to clarify. You are saying that when you load (say) the Vita rock drums, you gtt the drums list and drum grid and not the keyboard? All I get is the keyboard.

I will also RTFM to ensure that I am doing it correctly. You never know. We all have our numpty moments.


Will-Kenworthy wrote on 10/23/2018, 1:53 AM

Well, you are right about the keyboard coming up in the Piano Roll editor instead of a drum map. I did attempt to load a drum map in Track properties/Output settings which brought out a drum map instead of a keyboard within inline editing only, not in Clip properties where the piano roll editor is. Also (I used Pop Drums instrument) it cut all audio output from the instrument as well.

Obviously I have more issues to work out here but I think you found a problem. Either loading the instrument should bring up it's associated drum map in BOTH inline editing & the Piano Roll editor or you should be able to load a drum map and it should work. It only produces a graphical response (in the instrument, no audio) if you key the various drums within the inline editor. Shows the drum hit, for example, but outputs no audio. Very strange behavior.

I'll continue to experiment with it see if I can come up with more responses but I think this must either be a bug or I have really missed something here. I use my drum pads on my controller to program my drum tracks and edit them within the regular Piano Roll editor but I must admit I sure would like to use the drum editor to do that.

Hopefully someone else will chime in, someone smarter than me, for instance, If not we'll have to ask for help from tech support ..... would be my guess.

Sheppo?? Can you suggest anything? I hate to call on you, but this is above my paygrade I'm afraid .......


Hyperdriver wrote on 10/23/2018, 5:17 AM

I checked and all is up to date. I am an experienced enough Acid Pro user to be able to work around this but it would frustrate a new user, particularly as the manual mentions the mapping a few times. Seems like one to add to the bug list.