Instead of dragging and painting the drum beat using Beat Box 2, I have copied and Inserted Multiple copies of the object. When I play back, the first drum beat does not play. MM 16 skips the first beat and goes to the second beat which is a hi hat.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by, "dragging and painting the drum beat using BeatBox 2". Do you mean working WITHIN BeatBox 2, or are you talking about a BeatBox 2 object in the arranger?
If it is a BeatBox 2 object in the arranger, why would you not use the handle to simply lengthen the loop?
If you've copied an object several times, make sure they are properly aligned end to end. If they were not pasted precisely at the end of the preceding object, part of the object may have been cut off. It has been known to happen on occasion.
I tried the "copy and paste" method, and I did get a similar result for half a minute, then it was fine. Who knows why?