Drops VST

frank-flores wrote on 12/6/2023, 6:17 PM

Magix Music Maker 2023 pro never has really worked. Application hangs, freezes, latent, and drops/loses VST paths for 3rd party plug ins like Silklby Waves and also drops Audio Essentials FX published by Magix Music Maker which I have to remap every time I close and open the program. 2023 is bad news and nothing good has come out since 2019 Music Maker Pro version. sometimes I am anxious when I start a project, then Magix application hangs, freezes, and crashes. I spend more time using Task Manager to kill the MMM task. If I was a programmer I would test my product for bugs and glitches before ripping' people off. Wasting my damn time! Other plug ins don't have any problems just a few. Th mixer is also bulky and junky. So horrible.


SP. wrote on 12/6/2023, 6:25 PM

@frank-flores Set up the audio driver correctly inside the program settings. Select the Music Maker ASIO driver. Then click on the Advanced button to open the driver settings. Select your audio input and audio output and set the buffer size to something reasonable like 512 samples. If your computer cannot handle this, increase the buffer size to 1024 or 2048 samples.

frank-flores wrote on 12/6/2023, 6:28 PM

It is ASIO. It is not a buffer problem. This does not explain it droppin/remapping VSTs on every saved session.

Mark-T wrote on 12/7/2023, 6:25 AM

The VST issue has been going since the last update. I'm hoping the next update might fix it...

I have to restart the program to enable 3rd part vst effects, after a while they'll stop working again. Ruins any flow I have.

I've had to cut back on making anything lately due to this and other crashes. It's a shame. I don't use another DAW either. So my hobby as taking a back seat for the last few months.


Mark-T wrote on 12/13/2023, 5:37 PM

The 3rd party effects button is still broken. Clicking on the + symbol does nothing sometimes (restart fixes it). I was hoping the new update would have fixed it.

SP. wrote on 12/13/2023, 5:44 PM

@Mark-T Have you opened a ticket at technical support? If not, the support might not even know this problem exists, if you are one of very few user who have this problem.

Click on the SUPPORT link at top of this page and then select your product. On the next page scroll down until you can click on Contact Support and create your ticket.

Mark-T wrote on 12/14/2023, 5:04 AM

I'll let them know, thanks