Dropped frames

blocke49 wrote on 4/6/2012, 3:13 PM

I have recently installed Movie Edit Pro MX on my 4 year old Dell Inspiron 531 - Athlon 64 x2 - windows 7. The Ram has been upgraded by an addiiontal 2 MB to standard. I am using footage already stored on the computer in MPEG-2 format. Whilst playing back and editing in Movie Edit Pro the footage keeps dropping frames - going quickly out of synch with the sound. I have downloaded the latest software update but the problem persists. Is anything I can do to fix this as it is making the software unusable?


yvon-robert wrote on 4/6/2012, 8:12 PM


Using the Windows tools clean your hard drive.

Close program using Ctrl Alt Del to run Program Manager and close all unnecessary program that use memory, turn off your antivirus.

Run only your video program.

Probably this help to obtain best result.

Normally a good clean up and defrag help think that Windows 7 need just to run near 5 gig of memory normally for video 6 to 8 gig is need.
