
gandjcarr wrote on 1/27/2014, 3:56 PM


You did not say which version of MM 16 you have.  Some versions I think did not include any free downloads and others did.  If you registered the product you purchase (remember this product came out in either 2009 or 2010) and were entitled to free downloads, they should have come up when you clicked that link.


Former user wrote on 1/27/2014, 6:10 PM

George is correct.  My question to you is why are you using MM16 ? and how did you procure it ?  Alittle more information on your paaart and maybe George and I can be of more help

nihon94 wrote on 1/28/2014, 6:20 AM

IF you are using a registered version of MMM 16 in that case sign in to Magix and go to your account you will find your registered product and any download or update if there is any (as it is older version I doubt about that) why not try your luck.

Or if you have just bought MMM 16 in that case create Magix account  with the same email if you have used for product then try to update or download.



drdan wrote on 1/28/2014, 10:22 AM

Hey guys, 

Thanks for the quick response.  I purchased this software a couple years ago.  Never put it to much use then.  Just getting back to it now.  I have been into my account with Magix.  There are no software updates available.  

It offers me a link for downloading packages but nothing happens.  I just want to know if this is an error. 

I just fired up my Magix Movie Edit Pro which I purchased at the same time and the package downloads worked great on it.  


Former user wrote on 1/28/2014, 6:48 PM

I'm surprised.....if Magix offers you  a download link, usually there is content to download.  What, exactly, was this link for ? S oundpools or Catooh or MM16.  If its the link for downloading pataches and you are regestered, it will show MM16 in your product to wether there are anymore pataaches for MM16, I'm doubtful as it is now an "older" MM program.  Try the 30 day free download version of MM2014 and see if its something you might like and if so, pony up a few bucks and get the lataest version....then use can be a lot of fun