
Former user wrote on 11/17/2020, 8:36 AM

Details. People trying to help you can't do anything without them.

rraud wrote on 11/17/2020, 9:28 AM

Sample rate is typical of speed/pitch issues.

More details are needed in order the further help you, Many of the guidelines in the Vegas' **IMPORTANT!** - INFORMATION REQUIRED TO HELP YOU are universal to Sound Forge.

Chris-Mangelly wrote on 11/17/2020, 10:47 AM

This is the file specs-

Wave PCM signed 16 bit
44100 Hz
705 kbps

I just closed and restarted SoundForge Audio Cleaning and it works perfectly. This happens intermittently. But it does get annoying.

I just tried it again. Importing a mono file sounds like the chipmunks. I have restarted the PC and the app. All to now avail. What is wrong?

Chris-Mangelly wrote on 1/4/2021, 4:24 PM

I just tried it again. Importing a mono file sounds like the chipmunks. I have restarted the PC and the app. All to now avail. What is wrong?

condex wrote on 1/4/2021, 4:42 PM

Just a thought ... have you tried changing the Audio Device Type to other audio device selections (Options/Preferences/ Audio tab) to see if the problem still occurs. It may be an issue with the current audio device particularly if you are using an internal sound card or external audio interface. If the problem persists, at least the audio devices can probably be eliminated as the cause.

Chris-Mangelly wrote on 1/5/2021, 11:15 AM

The file has already been recorded from an LP thru a TASCAM CD recorder. The file is a mono recording. No left or right separate channels. I then import the file from the CD to my PC. Then import it into SOUND FORGE. The file imports correctly on the screen but when I play it it sounds like the chipmunks. I am trying to eventually get the clicks & pops out of it. Stereo files work fine. What is wrong?

rraud wrote on 1/5/2021, 11:19 AM

I too would look at the audio device (interface or soundcard) settings. I had an Echo soundcard that had a sample rate lock option, if so engaged, it would playback at whatever the card was set to regardless of the file's sample rate.

I doubt the number of channels has anything to do with it. Can you upload one of the files with this behavior in, DropBox, GoogleDrive, OneDrive, Mega, 4Shared, ect.? ... or at least the MediaInfo .

If you have SF Pro, confirm the scrub bar transport (left-side under timeline) is set to the normal rate (1.00). I have inadvertently moved the rate by mistake. I do not know if Audio Studio has this feature.

Chris-Mangelly wrote on 1/5/2021, 1:06 PM

This file has nothing to do with the interface or soundcard settings because all stereo files play normally and can be scrubbed of clicks and pops. I am using Sound Forge Audio Cleaning Lab 2.

I can put the file in Dropbox if you give an email address. Thanks.

emmrecs wrote on 1/5/2021, 1:32 PM


I have moved your post from the Sound Forge product area to the Audio Cleaning Lab area since you now say you are using Sound Forge Audio Cleaning Lab 2.

You say This file has nothing to do with the interface or soundcard settings because all stereo files play normally, which may suggest the problem is the fact that it is mono. (I will admit I find it somewhat confusing when you say the file was created thru a Tascam CD Recorder since CD specification requires stereo files. So is this actually a "Dual-Mono" file, i.e. both channels having the same audio?)

I have SFACL2 but no "mono" files to test with so would be interested to test your file. However, no-one here should post their email address - this is a public form. Instead you need to put the file somewhere and provide a link to it.

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Chris-Mangelly wrote on 1/5/2021, 1:59 PM

My turntable has a mono cartridge going into a mono preamp (McIntosh C-26), then into the TASCAM CD recorder. This file is mono. I also use Goldwave which shows the file as mono. You could say that the file is a dual-mono file but Goldwave shows it as a mono file.


rraud wrote on 1/5/2021, 3:30 PM

The above download is a (44.1/16) single-channel mono PCM file. It plays back at what sounds to be normal pitch and speed on my PC with Sound Forge Pro.

FWIW. I recently did a vinyl restoration project and RX Elements was able to remove a lot of the clicks, pops and static noise with minimal artifacts. What RX missed, I manually fixed the leftovers with the replace tool or redrawing the waveform with the pencil tool. What I could not fixed adequately with the SF Pro tools, I removed the remaining annoyances with SpectraLayers surgically.

I do not know if ACL has the 'replace' and 'pencil' tools,

Chris-Mangelly wrote on 1/5/2021, 3:43 PM

Beats me why it is normal sounding to you. The difference is I am using Sound Forge Audio Cleaning Lab 2.

I just tried it again and it is normal. This problem comes up more that not. I will write again if it happens.