I don't know what you asked before, but i can tell you that Windows 8 or 8.1 or whatever is the worst OS you will ever encounter in your life. Run from this piece of crap and switch your os bak to windows 7 unless you are a tablet user, or a full blown massochist. I thought that Microsoft had hit rock bottom when they released windows 2000 but I was wrong, this abomination of the windows OS is probably the worst they have ever done. Some, including my respected friend JohnEBaker will likely say that this OS is really good. I beg to differ. This OS is absolute crap and you should run away from it as fast as you can unless you are using a tablet computer. Garbage OS, garbage utilities, garbage user interface, pretty much garbage everything. Go back to Windows 7 if you can and leave this piece of garbage Os.
Looking at our previous posts about issues with the CD/DVD drive not being recognised (and others) the problem appears to have appeared on upgrading to Windows 8.1.
The first thing I would suggest is you re-install ACL and select the Repair option or do a full re-install again of no Repair option is offered.
This may or may not fix the issues - ACL 16 is not Windows 8 compatible.
As George says, I find Windows 8 / 8.1 much better then Windows 7.
There is always a lot of debate about whether one OS is better than another and an even bigger and long running debate over whether MACs are better then PCs.
The simple answer to the issue of which is best is a matter of personal choice and does the OS do what you want it to do.
I'd agree with gandjcarr. Ok if it's a touch screen but if you want to do any real work - useless. It's less stable than 7, harder to navigate and compatibility issue galore. If the new laptop didn't come with it, I wouldn't use it. Really thinking of biting the bullet and going back to linux. At least it works!