Does Vita 2 still exist, how do I find it?

FloopDoopZoop wrote on 7/29/2022, 1:38 PM


MM 2023 Premium v.31 here.

During the last days of the July sale, I ended up purchasing some additional Vita Instruments.

I was looking at getting a few more, which let me to searching the MM forum for "Vita."

This brought up posts that reference "Vita 2" within the Music Maker forum. Neat. Some screenshots show the same intruments that I'm buying piecemeal that are already included in Vita 2 as recently as the previous MM Premium 2022 version

My question, does Vita 2 exist? If so, where can I find it?
Was Vita 2 a limited time thing?

I have searched the main site through google and only found references to the forum posts and Samplitutude that ask about what instruments are included. I don't see references to Vita, or Vita 2 instruments on the sales page for MM Premium either.

I do not have any additional features left to download and when I run the uninstaller for "MAGIX Content and Soundpools" this is what I have (which lists the additional items I have purchased and installed already.)

I'm not expecting to have Vita 2, but if it's out there, it seems better than buying intruments piecemiel when most of the ones I want are supposedly in there.

Any info would be appreciated.




SP. wrote on 7/29/2022, 2:09 PM

@FloopDoopZoop You can get Vita 2 and additional Vita 2 presets from the presets section in the Store. The instruments included in Vita 2 use much less samples per instrument and therefore sound less realistic.

FloopDoopZoop wrote on 7/29/2022, 2:35 PM

@SP. Found it right where you said they would be.

I'll include screenshots in case someone else needs visuals in the future: