Design Errors

Aadi wrote on 7/27/2017, 1:54 AM

Hi Its Aadi,

i used trail version of Magix Web designer premium 12, i made one web site with 4 pages and i tested it its good, but i uninstalled because of os problem, after that i installed again web designer 12 and i open previews design file its not working properly and browser view giving error, i upset very much because of losting all website design, 1. how to recovery previously saved web design file 2. is it possible to add php script inside the page 3. is it possible to edit with other editers like notepad, dreamviwer after exporting website pages.

Thanks & Regards Urgant


emmrecs wrote on 7/27/2017, 4:15 AM

Hi, welcome to the Magix forums.

It is very difficult to suggest any ideas to you because you haven't told us exactly what is not working properly.

One possible reason is that some resource, image etc. needed by your original design is now no longer where you stored it before the OS problem but that is purely speculation on my part.

I wonder whether you would be well advised to post your question to the dedicated Xara web design chat forum here or contact Xara support here.

You could also consider posting your .web file in this forum for other users to potentially try to open it and advise you of their success or otherwise.

As to your other questions: insertion of php script depends upon whether your web host supports php. Editing of your site using Dreamweaver is likely to be impossible, I suspect and unless you are very much into hand coding, any use of a text editor for web page editing is likely to be pretty difficult.


Last changed by emmrecs on 7/27/2017, 4:17 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

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