Denon x1800 mixer

Phillip-Lourenco wrote on 5/13/2024, 7:13 AM

I am trying to record a mix from my Denon x1800 to my Sound Forge 18 application and for the life of me I cant get it to meter in any way. I have made sure the sample rate is the same but I just can get it to record. Its so weird as I can get it done on the soundforge 10 but not the new version which I would like to use. Any help would be appreciated.


SP. wrote on 5/13/2024, 8:58 AM

@Phillip-Lourenco Meters could be working fine again after you restart your computer. Please select the Restart option and not the Shut down option.

Phillip-Lourenco wrote on 5/13/2024, 9:18 AM

Thank you I see the meters but I’m getting no signal coming in? Soundforge 10 plug in and I get signals but not with Soundforge 18

SP. wrote on 5/13/2024, 9:28 AM

@Phillip-Lourenco Is monitoring enabled?

Phillip-Lourenco wrote on 5/13/2024, 9:46 AM

Yep 100%…

rraud wrote on 5/13/2024, 9:59 AM

If the signal is getting to Sound Forge 10 and not SF-12, check audio device settings in "Options> Preferences> Audio".
FYI, the record settings path and UI was changed after SF-10, so confirm you have "Record Options" (View menu), which has the aforementioned monitor switch, input meter and and other settings. To view the input level prior to 'rolling tape', enable 'record ready. (aka, Arm) in the transport or a shortcut.

btw, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users punity @Phillip-Lourenco

Phillip-Lourenco wrote on 5/13/2024, 10:05 AM

soundforge 18: Under the record section it comes up with 32 channels in which I changed a few to channels 9 & 10 and getting no line input from x1800 Denon mixer

rraud wrote on 5/13/2024, 10:36 AM

I am not familiar with the x1800 mixer, Does it a have a USB connection to route the audio to a computer. If not, do you have a internal sound card or external A/D interface? Why channels 9 and 10... are you working on a multi-channel immersive sound project? How many channels do you actually need to record?
If it is a music recording studio type project, you need a multi-track DAW. Sound Forge is multi-channel. There is a difference.