Deleting time from all tracks in one go ? Acid Pro 8

Rayz-R wrote on 3/8/2021, 10:00 AM

Hi I have Acid Pro 8 , I want to do an edit of a track I made in acid , I know how to add time , but is there a function to delete time on all the lines , because if i try to highlight the bits I want to chop it misses some as there are so many tracks (lines) also if a track has a long loop it messes that up and puts the whole arrangement out of sync. Thanks.


sheppo wrote on 3/12/2021, 8:05 AM

hi @Rayz-R

yep, there's a way to do this, but it's not quite as simple as insert -> time. here's the low down

  1. at the start and end of the selection you want to delete, put the edit marker on the timeline, not selecting any events
  2. hit S to split - this split all events at that marker..
  3. from the tools menu, select ripple edit
  4. from the toolbar, select the time selection tool
  5. from the toolbar, enable lock envelopes to events (not sure if this is needed, but it works with it on)
  6. drag out the area on the timeline you wish to delete
  7. hit the delete key
  8. (remember to disable ripple edit and time selection tool once done) :)
shkr wrote on 3/12/2021, 7:01 PM

or you can do it the easy way:

make time selection, convert it into section (shift+s), right click the section, hit delete, voila ;)


sheppo wrote on 3/16/2021, 7:20 AM

nice tip @shkr, certainly easier than the way I found to do it! :D

Rayz-R wrote on 3/16/2021, 7:27 AM

Thanks guys , will try the options out , nice one.