Décalage voix image

solma wrote on 9/14/2011, 1:43 AM

Pourquoi après gravage du dvd, ai-je un décalage de la voix et de l'image avec Video Deluxe 17 Premium?

Au bout de qq scenes, le son est en retard d'une fraction de seconde sur l'image et donc tout le reste du fim se retrouve avec l'image et le son désynchronisé (il s'agit d'une conférence filmée).

Pourtant avant le gravage, il n'y a pas ce décalage.

Merci de votre aide


john-auvil wrote on 9/14/2011, 9:31 AM

I am sorry I do not speak French, so I hope you can read my English.

The sync issue you have experienced might be resolved with a patch... but you would need to download the correct patch from the website or you would need to contact Magix directly.

Video Deluxe is the European product for the North American Movie Edit Pro. I know the North American sync issue was resolved with a patch for Movie Edit Pro 17 and Movie Edit Pro 17 Plus.

The sync issue only happens when you burn the project to disc.

solma wrote on 10/5/2011, 4:38 AM

Hi John,

Thanks for your reply, I've been trying to find a patch  for video deluxe relating to this sync issue but didn't find it.

If by any chance, you have a clue where i could find it? I would be grateful as I'm stuck with all my videos.

Maybe i should download the patch for movie edit pro 17?

