catacosmosis wrote on 1/14/2022, 11:39 AM

I have been around and around in circles via the program and this stupid website for over two hours trying to get help with a payment information problem WHICH NO ONE IN THESE FORUMS CAN POSSIBLY HELP ME WITH and there is NO option to actually speak to anyone. Can someone please tell me HOW to contact an actual person who works for this company?


SP. wrote on 1/14/2022, 11:46 AM

@catacosmosis I responded to the last two comments you wrote in this forum just minutes after you posted them. This is just a user-to-user forum. You need to create a service ticket if you want support from Magix staff.

catacosmosis wrote on 1/14/2022, 12:00 PM

@catacosmosis I responded to the last two comments you wrote in this forum just minutes after you posted them. This is just a user-to-user forum. You need to create a service ticket if you want support from Magix staff.

I understand that. That is precisely what I am asking - how do I get to a place where I can create a service ticket when everything I click takes me back to either Magix support articles or the community forum??

Graham-Hawker wrote on 1/14/2022, 12:09 PM

Make sure you are logged into your Magix account. Then:

Choose music maker

Bottom right hand corner "Contact support"

Choose order/delivery/payment (or whatever the problem might be)

Click search for other solutions

Type in the problem -as an example I typed in payment problem.

Bottom of the page send a support request button

On the next page describe the problem and send.

SP. wrote on 1/14/2022, 12:10 PM

@catacosmosis The trick is not to click on the links to the articles or the forum but just to scroll down and go to the next screen:

catacosmosis wrote on 1/14/2022, 12:41 PM

Make sure you are logged into your Magix account. Then:

Choose music maker

Bottom right hand corner "Contact support"

Choose order/delivery/payment (or whatever the problem might be)

Click search for other solutions

Type in the problem -as an example I typed in payment problem.

Bottom of the page send a support request button

On the next page describe the problem and send.

THANK YOU. I followed you last link and it took me right to where I needed to be. Thank you so much.

catacosmosis wrote on 1/14/2022, 12:42 PM

@catacosmosis The trick is not to click on the links to the articles or the forum but just to scroll down and go to the next screen:

I was scrolling to the bottom of the page but every time I would do that it would just say look for more options (or something to effect) and take me back to search. Thank you - I have submitted a ticket now.