
Former user wrote on 9/25/2009, 8:28 AM

that's not possible with the current navigation objects of Website Maker.
But you can do things like this:


Division 1
Division 2


Business   Products

Product 1
Product 2

You can realise it with more than one navigation object on your website (only possible with Website Maker deluxe and easy Plus). But it's not so easy to explain. To get this result:  try that:

A) Create the page "Business". It can be empty but it's clever to put some individual sign on this site (e.g. a number or text e.g."Division 1")
B) Switch to the navigation layer (button "navigation" left side bottom)
C) Drag a horizontal navigation (this is the main navigation) to the prefered position on your website

D) Close the navigation layer. You should be on the page layer of tge page "Business" (via site manager left side)
E) Drag a vertical navigation object to your prefered position on this site. Make sure not to be on the navigation layer!
F) Dublicate the page "Business" 5 times (use the "option symbol in the page manager left side) (now you have 6 subpages)
G) Rename the 5 new pages to Division 1, Division 2, Products, Product 1, Product 2
H) Switch again to the navigation layer, double click the main navigation to open the option panel left side. Here you can hide and show navigation
   items (via eye symbol inside "navagation"). Do that with Division 1, Division 2, Product 1, Product 2. Your main navigation should show only to items
   (Business, Products)
I) Change back to page "Business", double click the vertical navigation and hide the pages Products, Product 1, Product 2... Now you should understand the principle.

J) Change to page "Division 1" and hide the pages Products, Product 1, Product 2. Do the same on page "Division 2"
K) Chage to page "Products" and hide the pages Business, Division 1, Division 2. So the same on page Produtc 1 and Product 2.

Ready. But please note: The pages Business and Division 1 must have the same content...  The pages Products and Product 1 too. It's a bit fakie

Cheers, André