Crash while export to wav (or any format)

Chrilles wrote on 4/4/2022, 10:10 AM

I have a projcet that crashes every time I try to export it. Can happen any time during the export.
What happens is that samplitude suddenly shuts down whithout any message or anything.
I did get a message the first time it happend but unfortunately I didn't save it.
I finally succeeded to export the whole project if I reduced the amount of CPU-cores Samplitude was allowed to use to two, but then it takes very long time since the project is about 1h long (A whole concert). But Samplitude crashed even that time just when the export was finished.

Here's a log from windows event viewer: (Swedish)

Felet uppstod i programmet med namn: Sam_x64.exe, version, tidsstämpel 0x6226b4ee
, felet uppstod i modulen med namn: Sam_x64.exe, version, tidsstämpel 0x6226b4ee
Undantagskod: 0x80000003
Felförskjutning: 0x000000000050062d
Process-ID: 0x2f00
Programmets starttid: 0x01d8482f0e1a6526
Sökväg till program: C:\Program Files\MAGIX\Samplitude Pro X6\Sam_x64.exe
Sökväg till modul: C:\Program Files\MAGIX\Samplitude Pro X6\Sam_x64.exe
Rapport-ID: e1c2a08c-9ac2-426a-ba0a-3ea13faa4fe2
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