That is a question with as little info as you could put in there Xfacta. I can only guess that perhaps you have your gain set too high during record. Try to set your record volume to half and try a few test recording. It is real difficult to make any more suggestions without a bit more information.
If this is a microphone recording, then it could be the cable itself causing a noise when the cable is moved, this can happen on inexpensive microphone sets, or cables that have been damaged.
Also, if you are using the wrong device to record from you could pick up these anomalies. You need to check to see what port you are using, and as the previous answer stated, make sure your gain/volume is not to high, as you might just be clipping.
We would need to know more information about when, where, what is being used to create this recording so we can help navigate to a better solution.