Corrupted download?

Ulophot wrote on 12/7/2019, 2:21 PM

I have SF 10 on my present, W7 PC, and it shows in my Magix products list, but am moving to a new, W10 PC. I had no trouble with Movie Studio 16, but SF isn't going well.

I downloaded the exe, but get a number of pop-ups during installation, first stopping downloads of SF and 2 Izotope apps, saying that something stopped teh download and to try again, although they then complete and say 100% downloaded; then SF goes through the entire install and at 99% pops up with "download is corrupted." I have tried twice. Any suggestions?

I note that it downloads .Net framework 2.0, which the program requires. Since my new PC-in-progress is W10, I undoubtedly have a newer version of this on the machine, 3.__, I would guess. Would that cause a problem?

Thank you!


rraud wrote on 12/8/2019, 11:50 AM

Does the "soundforgepro10.0.507.exe" installation file download normally? I do not recall other embedded installers aside from the older .Net framework (needed), SF Pro 10 <.exe> installer and NR-2.0. I think the iZotope (Direct X) 'Mastering Suite II' was a separate download/install/serial/authorize.

I not recall recall any Windows 10 installation issues with SF Pro-10 except (once installed), the on-going "Elevated Privileges" bug which can require an occasional registry tweak. I need to do this (usually) after Win 10 updates. You can also set Pro-10 to "Run program as an Administrate" in "Properties> Compatibility" which requires an extra click when opening SF Pro-10. Link to one of the 'Elevated Privilege' discussions:

Off-hand I can only suggest removing any files the attempted installation added and clean the registry with a reg. cleaner app (CC Cleaner for instance), then try again. You may want to use an older build installer that came directly from SCS.

Ulophot wrote on 12/8/2019, 12:56 PM

Thanks for your thoughtful reply, rraud. I resolved the issue this morning, and am not sure what I did differently, but I got a different result. My Magix products showed SF 12, and I found in my records that this version was included in my VMS purchase. I used the link and had no trouble with the download or installation. I'm all set.

maestrojonno wrote on 6/16/2020, 2:46 AM


I'm moving my Soundforge 10 to a new Windows 10 PC. It keeps saying that the download is corrupting and won't complete the download.

Any ideas?


rraud wrote on 6/16/2020, 9:36 AM

Pro 10 or AS (Audio Studio)?
Assuming you have a valid serial number and a Magix username and password, try an alternate download method. One is by using the "My Products" page in the Magix Service Center, where your SCS and Magix products are listed with options to download the installer and/or the manual
The other is via the Magix Download Center. You will need your log-in info and a your SF-10 serial number to download the installer.