Correct Shutdown Procedure?

ARG_LW wrote on 2/25/2022, 7:21 PM

When clicking the X button to close the Sound Forge program and then opening again the next day I'm seeing an error message that says the program closed improperly and asks if I want to recover previous files and if I don't then Undo and Redo history will be lost. Why is it doing this after files were already saved after rendering? Are users supposed to close each file in the workspace before closing the entire program to prevent this from happening?

Referring to: Sound Forge Pro 15 (build 159 was doing this. Today , the day of this post, I updated to build 161) on a Windows 10 PC (Home 64 bit) processing audio files recorded using Vegas Pro 12 (build 394).


rraud wrote on 2/26/2022, 1:11 PM

Have you tried resetting and clearing the SFP-15 cache?

What format are saving the file(s) as. Do you have "Open default workspace on startup" enabled in "Options> Preferences> General", which should re-open the last saved file when SF is launched. You might also consider using the multi-instance mode.

Are users supposed to close each file in the workspace before closing the entire program.

Yes of course, if you wish to save the changes. There is a warning option for this as well in 'Preferences' settings.

What does SFP-12 have to do with it?

btw, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users community @ARG_LW.