Copy, Paste, Make Unique? is there a "Master" MIDI Clip, or something?

arnold-n wrote on 5/13/2023, 9:30 PM


I have a "rock" drum track and it starts off slow, then goes into a regular 4/4 hi hat thing.
The "Regular" Hi-Hat Thing is 64 measures.

I try to Copy/Paste the Clip and make the Hi-Hat Thing 128 measures (along with the rest of the MIDI SONG) (Lengthening the song)..

The Copied Clip also modifies the original master clip.
I want to make my Pasted Clip UNIQUE, to not affect the original clip.

The song starts with a lazy drummer, and then the drummer kicks it up a little. *If I copy/paste the drum clip, its not unique. When I modify the pasted clip, it alters the original, also, too, etc


sheppo wrote on 6/6/2023, 9:11 AM

hi @arnold-n acid works with the concept of 'clips' which can be re-used over and over again. This can be really useful when arranging a song, as changes you make to a clip apply across the whole song. But, as you've found, it can be kind of annoying if you want to take a clip and evolve it over time.

Clips are actually a track-level thing. So, for example, if you right click on the track controls, select properties, in the popup window you can see the "Clip Pool", that shows all clips used on that track. If you click on a different track you can see the contents of the clip pool changes also. From the clip pool window you can copy and paste a clip to make a copy, and then paint that on to the timeline... but a far easier option is to

drag the clip on to a new, or different midi track, then drag it back. This will make it in to a new unique clip on that track. Any changes made to this clip wont affect the source clip. This also works for other clip types too.

arnold-n wrote on 6/6/2023, 3:49 PM

Thanks for your reply sheppo.

You've made me look more closely at the details visibly hidden (in plain sight) on each track, on the timeline, I now finally see the relationship of the MIDI Output bubble number and the mixer slider number bubble .

I had always, only, ctrl+click & dragged a clip (only recreating an editable copy of the Master).

Trippple testing that drag method, I've now got 4 clips in the Clip Pool. Nice, but what do I do with these?
I see 4 Clips with checkboxes, but it doesn't seem to make any difference if they're checked or not, and its not possible to uncheck the main clip and choose a different one.

I don't understand how to use the right-click copy/paste a Clip Pool Clip, nor the purpose of the checkboxes.

I can rename the Clip Pool Clips which is nicely reflected on the timeline, but not on the mixer. Its easier to read a Track Name on the Timeline, than try to guess whuch mixer slider affects whuch track. On the mixer, the dark theme long-named VST Titles are confusing to identify as I often have many tracks, and it would be really cool to be able to change the color of those VST text-titles. How about a gradient color picker instead of that outdated track choice selection blah blah?


shkr wrote on 6/6/2023, 6:46 PM

don't need to overthink things. Simpler and easier solution:
ctrl+click and drag the midi clip - now you have a copy of the midi clip. Right click it and select: : "copy to new clip". Now you have a new midi clip identical to the first one but you can edit it freely.