
rraud wrote on 5/9/2020, 11:21 AM

Hi @Dale-Block and welcome to the Sound Forge discussion forum,

The computer's I.D. is usually entered automatically. Which version of Sound Forge? How many other PCs has it been activated on previously?

Dale-Block wrote on 5/9/2020, 11:28 AM

I was hoping to recover something off of version 8, which is probably two PCs ago and a few rebuilds ago.

rraud wrote on 5/9/2020, 1:07 PM

SCS versions of SF had an unspecified number of activations before being 'locked' so that is probably not the case here.

To find your PC's ID, type in the command line "cmd" and hit 'Enter'. Then type in " ipconfig /all " .. and Enter. I think it is the "Physical Address" line.

You can try re-installing SF-8 from the Magix Download Center installation file and then try activating, You will need your SF-8 serial # btw

A friend recently installed and activated SF Pro 9 on a new PC without issue, so I assume SF-8 should activate as well.

Dale-Block wrote on 5/9/2020, 3:24 PM

Thanks for the suggestions - no dice. (Although I forgot about the ipconfig, which is always handy.) I even tried the download and when I ran the program, it told me my trial has ended. Thus ensued a PC restore.

To be more specific, I'm able to use the program for WAV files, but any time I try to open or save an MP3, that's when it cops an attitude. I believe this is my first time using this machine since I had to replace the operating drive. Oh well, I have other DAWs, but this has always just been a handy program for certain tasks.

rraud wrote on 5/9/2020, 4:11 PM

Is this file "mp3plug2.dll" in your "Program files (x86)> Sound Forge Pro 8.0> FileIO Plug-Ins> mp3plug2" folder? If not, try pasting it in from another PC with SF.

Another MP3 encoder (LAME for instance) can be added to SF, I do not recall how to get it in though. Otherwise, the WinLAME/GUI / encoder is a real good stand-alone option with more fine tune settings than the SF's Fraunhofer. It batch encodes as well.