combine many video clips into one movie

hodgkinsuk wrote on 5/7/2013, 12:00 PM


I just recently purchased Magix Version 4.0 so that I could view my old videos of my children, and then make a short composite film that I can show at my daughters wedding.  So far I feel nothing but frustration.  I have gone through at least 20 videos, and downloaded the bits that I liked.  I saved them in separate files naming them for whatever was the main theme of that video.  Now I am trying to cut and paste the selected clips and make a movie.  Do I have the correct program to do this?  Or do I need to upgrade to another program?  If I do need to upgrade, does that mean I have wasted £29.99 for this program?  Or does it mean for an additional £10.00 I can have the correct program?  Please help.  I need this done by May 28.  


Terry Hodgkins


gandjcarr wrote on 5/7/2013, 1:53 PM


You need to understand that this is a user community, and no one here actually works for Magix.  I understand that you have a tight deadline for a very special event, so as a professional video editor I would be happy to help you, but I need just a little more information.  You said that you had purchased Magix version 4.0  what was the actual name of the product that you purchased?  Was it "Rescue your videotapes", was it "Video Easy"?  Which Magix product did you buy, and how long ago did you buy it?
