Colour in display screen is Green/Sepia, How can I correct this?

charter11 wrote on 10/28/2012, 7:11 AM

Hello, I am using MAGIX Movie Edit Pro MX Plus.

I am not sure what has happened but the colour in the photo display has changed to a Sepia or green type for ALL the pictures. Clearly I have selected something by mistake.

The actual pictures in the time line are in their natural colour. How can I get the program to display the photos as they are in the original pictures??

Re-loading the film/photo's makes no difference clearly there must be an option to TURN OFF the colour change so that the original photo colour can be displayed. 

Is there a reset button to put the system back to its original state?.

I can find no obvious answer to my problem and any assistance would be appreciated.

Frustrated Grrrrrrrr


gandjcarr wrote on 10/28/2012, 8:38 AM


Try this first but remember it will re-set all video effects.  Select all the clips (pictures) right click on one of the selected objects, select video effects, then reset video effects per the screen shot below.


To reset the program back to default, right click file, settings, then reste program settings to default per the next picture

Good Luck

charter11 wrote on 10/28/2012, 5:57 PM

Thanks George it worked you have saved my sanity. I wish I knew what I did to cause it in the first place,still at least I can carry on now and finish the project without starting all over again.



gandjcarr wrote on 10/29/2012, 6:57 AM


I may have an answer for you as to how you got this.  Whenever I open proDad Vitascene, my video goes from this

to this after I close vitascene

This happens to all selected clips, even if I do not click on anything in vitascene.  I have no idea why it happens, just that it does, so when it happens, I click "Undo" and everything goes back to normal.  I think it is some quirk in vitascene.


poppo wrote on 10/2/2016, 5:25 PM

Actually i am having this problem now all video i import is changing from green screen to a sepia color. Suddenly happening on everything, no matter if I open a new project or open and old project - There is something wrong. I can't do any work because all in sepia -