Connecting dvd to computer following the connecting analog process. selecting Magix video converter 3 and composite connecting and then you see the video in the prewiev Windows like with an all blue filter on also when you have transferred
. . . . that it could be a problem if we have installed the 32 bit driver on our windows 64 bit? . . . .
No - just the opposite - it is a problem if you don't have the 32 bit drivers installed.
Video Easy Rescue your Video Tapes (RYVT) ver. is a 32 bit program (running on a 64 bit OS) and it can only work with 32 bit drivers, Windows 10 has likely installed 64 bit drivers.
Which USB converter did you get with the program ie - what colour is it and are there any markings on it?
You would also need 32 bit drivers installed on Windows 10 in order to use the MAC video converter with RYVT.