In the past 2 weeks, for some reason my fader lines and meters have turned pink and you can't really see them. Some of the fader buttons are missing as well. It's not on every single one but quite a few. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling and nothing fixes it. Plus I'm not absolutely sure the uninstall really uninstalls everything. It seems to hold my license number when re installing. So that's odd. Anyone have any idea or have seen this before? It's really getting on my nerves. I'm using Windows 10 from hell 64-bit with Sound Forge Pro 12 64-bit. I'm beginning to think this has come about from a windows update or something. I wouldn't be surprised. Any help would be appreciated. Also, to suggest submitting a ticket, forget it. I tried and got back "Your software is too old. "Buy" a ticket here for support." I've only had it for 11 months... If I keep having issues with this I'm going to have to unfortunately move away from SF and find something that does not seem to be pieced together with bubble gum and paper clips and patches. Sorry for the harshness but I feel that since Sony let this go it seems the quality has deteriorated and the issues have increased. Maybe it's me. SF 8 was rock solid. SF 11 was clunky. 12 is worse. Screenshot attached of what I see. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. I'm out of them.