Clicking noise

Joezoot wrote on 8/29/2018, 5:26 AM


I recently upgraded my Music studio 2013 to 2019 and it's been working pretty well with my usb midi keyboard (m-audio 32), but today I tried recording audio for the first time. After I got all the soundcard settings sorted out (that took a while) now there's a clicking noise when I play or try to record a track. Luckily I've still got the 2013, and when I open projects in that program the clicking isn't there, but the 2019 reacts faster, and I paid for it, so of course I'd like to use it.

I've tried changing the monitoring settings as well, and at one point that made the clicking tempo twice faster :/ It's not the metronome. The clicking has a steady tempo, but it doesn't follow the tempo of the song. I have an Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 and I've tried to change between the Focusrite driver and two different ASIO drivers, with the same result.

I've also tried to restart the program and my laptop several times.

Can anybody help me?

Thanks! Mikael