Changing Track BPM

Joseph-Sappington wrote on 10/1/2023, 9:20 AM

Hey all, I just upgraded to the latest version of the free Music Maker and I am absolutely stumped on how to change the bpm for my VST drum track. Before, I would just set it on the metronome and now I can only adjust the volume.

I import my recorded material off of Audacity and then create the drum tracks on MM. My finishing is currently at a standstill because I can't get the drums to match the bpm of the song I've composed.

Being fairly new to MM, anyone have an answer for me so I can get back to recording my music?


EDIT: I figured it out. Apparently if there is a side bar open, in this case the VST Instruments selection panel, MM hides the ability to change the bpm. Closed the side panel, and there it was. I feel so dumb.


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