Changing Colors In The Piano Roll Editor

Destrania wrote on 10/9/2018, 4:28 PM

It is REALLY throwing me off having the black keys on the keyboard be a lighter grey color in the editor, as well as having the white keys be darker grey color in the editor. Seems like a mistake to me. It should be the opposite. Is there the possibility that we will be able to change the color scheme of Acid Pro 8 in the future?


sheppo wrote on 10/9/2018, 4:58 PM

hi @Destrania. This took me a little while to understand what you meant there.. but yeah, now you've pointed it out i cannot unsee! I've compared it to another DAW, and yeah, this definitely doesn't feel right to the point where it almost feels like a bug, i will report it as one on the beta forum.

We've seen other UI elements change in recent updates so there's track record for this kind of stuff fixed getting fixed in future updates. But I'm not a magix employee so please understand I am not making promises on their behalf! :)

Destrania wrote on 10/9/2018, 5:04 PM

Yeah, I should have linked a screenshot or something. Haha.

sheppo wrote on 10/9/2018, 5:25 PM

no worries. i did just that in the bug report. :-)

If i see a fix crop up on a beta release I'll try to remember to let you know in this thread that a fix is coming..

Destrania wrote on 10/9/2018, 5:26 PM

Sounds good. Thanks.