Changes lost after change

clogva1 wrote on 7/26/2012, 6:45 AM

(Should have been titled "Changes lost after Project Save)...Last night, I worked for several hours on our dance review video.  When I was done for the night, I used the Save Project option to save my work.  This morning, all my chapter markers are gone, along with the transitions, and the dead space between dances has reappeared.  

I am using Movie Edit Pro MX v. (UDC1) on Windows 7.

So, how do I save the changes if it is not Save Project?  Thanks.


asoeli wrote on 7/26/2012, 7:50 AM

The newest update, as far as I know, is Make an update.

Try to load the latest bacup-file instead. Magix saves each 10 minutes automatically up to 10 backup's  with endings  .mv_,  numbered 0 - 9. .

Go to File - Load backup project. Check the exact time they were created, try the newest..

Some time ago, I had problems with loosing small parts of a complex editing project after saving. But after Locking all tracks before saving, the problem was solved.

clogva1 wrote on 7/26/2012, 8:14 AM


The newest update, as far as I know, is Make an update.

Try to load the latest bacup-file instead. Magix saves each 10 minutes automatically up to 10 backup's  with endings  .mv_,  numbered 0 - 9. .

Go to File - Load backup project. Check the exact time they were created, try the newest..

Some time ago, I had problems with loosing small parts of a complex editing project after saving. But after Locking all tracks before saving, the problem was solved.

Oh, my goodness!  Thank you so much.  

I started saving after each dance, naming the files differently, but if I can find the old file, I'll be way ahead.  Thanks again!  I'll have to get that update, as well.

cpc000cpc wrote on 7/28/2012, 8:28 PM


I think the root of the problem may be a 'feature' of Windows which in itself is very handy, but can lead to mystery and frustration as you well know!

The 'Save' / 'Save as' window generally remembers where you last put a file and assumes you want your next save to go to the same folder. Some programs have default location (which you can set), some will remember where a file came from and save it back there, and sometime it seems the save function gets confused by an action of another program.

In MEP there can be further complications if you have a project with movies from two different locations... :-( Always take note of the folder being used when you save.

I'd suggest doing a search for *.MVP on all local hard drives (and USB if your using) and see if that locates your orphan project.

