Chain Presets

MEIKO-GILLIAM wrote on 10/1/2018, 3:57 PM

I've spent the past 15+ years loading and building my own chain presets but when I select one it says "An error occurred in the effect chain "...." One or more effects in the package failed to load. Do you want to try to load the loadable effects from the chain? I can click yes and none of it will load. I can load individual plug ins and start over but I have over 100 presets and that's a super pain the rear. Solutions? I'm already using jbridge. Thank God...but seriously, this is crayola folk. I need solutions to NOT REBUILDING my custom library.

My hardware is custom. I built it. I've never had a problem with it. I can guarantee this isn't a hardware issue. I know for sure this is a vst issue. Come on ya'll. Olive branch? haha


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