Cannot register Sound Forge 7 mp3 plugin 2.0

Peter-Niemeyer3321 wrote on 4/5/2019, 11:33 PM

Years ago, I purchased Sound Forge 7.0. I registered it and used it without problems.

A few days ago, I had issues with my computer and I needed to re-install it. I re-registered it. But a few days later, I got a message saying I had to register the mp3 2.0 plugin. I tried doing this online, but I keep getting a "cannot connect to the server...could be due to network congestion or server failure" message. When I cancel out of that box, I get a dialog box with a phone number and a text field where I am supposed to enter the activation code I get from a customer service rep.

When you call the phone number, you get a message saying they no longer provide support by the phone. It's all via the website. On the website, I can submit an issue, but only if I buy a $12.99 voucher.

So I am wondering, does anyone here know how I can activate my mp3 2.0 plugin, for the software I legally purchased, without having to spend $12.99 for a support voucher?




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