Cannot find midi channel selector

TVThemeGuy wrote on 4/14/2023, 11:52 AM

Greetings! I had been using Magix Music Maker 2013 Premium for about the last 10 years and loved it! A week ago, I upgraded to Magix Music Maker 2023 Premium. While it's basically the same (but I've noticed improvements in performance), I'm having a time finding a tool I commonly used in the 2013 version. My specific need is to be able to change the midi channel being used in the MIDI Editor. It used to be right next to the dropdown for selecting the midi instrument. Now, it's not... and it doesn't seem to be anywhere. This is essential for a number of instruments I use.

The documentation says:
You can set up the MIDI output channel under MIDI channel. MIDI objects can contain objects on different channels. In the Multi default setting, these channels are maintained. This is important for VST instruments which can receive MIDI notes on multiple channels and play several different sounds simultaneously (multi-timbral). If you select one channel instead, all events will be output only on this channel. To use different MIDI channels, refer to the section on the MIDI channel filter

Yes, but where is "MIDI channel?"

2013 version and it's right next to the instrument selction:

2023 version and it doesn't seem to be anywhere to be found:

I would be most appreciative if someone could solve this mystery, please!


SP. wrote on 4/14/2023, 4:27 PM

@TVThemeGuy There should be the MIDI channel filter under the Options menu.

TVThemeGuy wrote on 4/14/2023, 4:50 PM

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, Options > MIDI Channel Filter does not let me select which midi channel I want to use. In fact, selecting anything but All Active disables anything and everything within the midi object. Is there something else I'm missing?

SP. wrote on 4/14/2023, 6:26 PM

@TVThemeGuy Can you show us a screenshot of your MIDI event list? The MIDI channel of the event is listed there and you need to select this channel in the filter list.

You can also select all events with CTRL+A and change the channel by clicking and dragging the channel number up or down.

TVThemeGuy wrote on 4/14/2023, 11:38 PM

Here is the screen capture you asked for.

Thank you for your suggestion! I can double-click the channel for any single event in the MIDI Event List and change the channel... or use CTRL-A to select all and drag up or down to change them all. I think this will work just fine. Thank you again!