Can you record live music in MMM use effects at same time, and be able to monitor the out put on ear phones

tejasmed wrote on 3/1/2014, 1:29 AM

Using Focusrite 18i8 usb.  Input is condenser mic.  I  need to play my instrument,  input thru system  to go to Win 7.  The out put of the signal needs to go thru my  computer to be streamed out on Video on  At present, output signal works fine routed so it can be used by Flash for streaming. 

I would like to be able not only to play live with the included effects, but be able to record while playing.  Most other programs for audio only let you  record and save and then you have to pull it back up put it on a track and do all the adding of effects.  

With MMM can you play live, use the effects, and monitor the completed output while using it for broadcast.  Plus have it recorded as a bonus?  

Not worried about stereo,   Most of the time just want  echo or delay type effects.   Main instruments are Native American type flute, rattles, and hang pan drum.  

Later, I wish to use  short recordings for rhythm loops  to make back tracks to play over.  Or, use my recorded casts and edit and enhance them and save.  


gandjcarr wrote on 3/1/2014, 10:40 AM

It sounds to me like what you are looking for is a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW).  Music maker is not a DAW although it does have some similarities.  So if the input is a condenser mic, where does that input go?  You said the instrument goes through the computer, but where does the mic go? are you going to use some type of usb or hardware mixer to mix the two audio sources?  Once you have mixed the two input sources, what is the destination of the audio, is it your flash streaming?  If you are looking at this as a viable approach, unless you tell me otherwise, you are going to need a super fast processor using a 64 bit OS, or by having the mic and instrument running throught the same usb connection (even usb 3.0) you will have latency issues.  If you buy something like the Presonus Audiobox 2x2 you may be able to pull this off as it has some buffer included which will help with the delay, but again your processor and disc will need to be very fast.

I am actually confused between what you say you want and what you mean by it as what you are proposing does not make that much sense to me as the best approach to audio recording. 



tejasmed wrote on 3/1/2014, 12:45 PM

George: Sorry, I thought the question and statement covered the fact that I put the Condenser mic into the Focusrite 18i8  usb.  The usb signal is routed normally to ManyCam and is sent streaming through Flash to Vaughntv  on the internet.   Yes, I can put some sort of black box in the line to make effects.  But, I was hoping that  MMM would be a way to pass through it,  use the effects available to it,  then be able to monitor at same time.  All with the added benefit that the performance could be recorded, and later used to enhance further in MMM.  

If MMM will not do this feat,  then I will probably still use MMM for editing and mixing,  but I will still be on a quest to find  the elusive DAW you speak of that will allow me to play live, and throw in effects as needed.  This is the age of electronics,  we should be able to use a computer to eleminate a floor full of pedal boards and wires.  

Right now, I am amazed at the progress that MMM has made in just a few short years...  

Thanks for the answer. 


Procyon wrote on 3/1/2014, 2:38 PM

DAW's are not elusive.  They are quite commonplace.  MAGIX offers two DAW's, Samplitude and Sequoia.  Needless to say, they are more expensive than Music Maker.

Former user wrote on 3/1/2014, 6:27 PM

As my friend, Procyon, says, DAWs are all over the place in functions and price ranges.  If possibe, do a 30 free trial download, offered by some, to be sure it does what you think it and you are capable of.  It may cost $1000 or more  , but if you can't get it to work for you.....$1000 is a lot of wampum to waste 

tejasmed wrote on 3/1/2014, 8:58 PM

Gnarly:  Thanks...I had plans to do the test on the Music Maker 14, but got an ad about Samplitude Music Studio on e mail...So curiousity, I have downloaded the test file for now for the 30 day.  Might still go back and test the larger program a bit later. 

After a bit of tweaking, I was actually able to use an audio track.  It allowed me to play and monitor live performance at the same time.  It allowed me to use the out put to feed into a video recording with the basic effect of  vocal reverb. I played a flute on the take.  

A bit of a learning curve still.  Several things still need to be learned to make it all work together.  It seems that Focusrite 18i8  depends very heavily on their Mix Control to  mix.   It will work with out Mix Control. but limited.  If you just use Samplitude to mix down and save a file, then export, it does really great.  Nice clean sound. 

I am strictly not a MAC person.  But,  coming to realize that I will soon have to upgrade my mother board that is about 5 years old now.  With the advent of Win 7,  many drivers were not available and caused a lot of grief.  The first thing that happened was most all of us lost the internal sound cards, and any new sound card was mostly still written for  XP.    I may be flacked also on the fact that  I had to stay with 32 bit and not the 64, because I was going to lose several thousand dollars of software that suddenly would not work in 64.   Quandry for the wallet and the desire to advance.  All reports now, still tell me to stay away from Win 8 for audio and video. 


The other hurtles are poor  connections or program conditions when using  Win 7 and trying to use  ManyCam to broadcast streaming on the internet.   There are not many reasonable programs that will allow you good control of your cameras, and your audio out put.  I did pay extra for the Many Cam pro.   But, I have complained with no luck to them about their poor sound  processing.   

I started out using a Peavey 8 USB mixer.  But was hammered by some audio nuts that all used their Focusrite units... for USB...but  when needed, used their mixers (without USB)     to feed into their Focusrite  usb.  High claims about superior audio, especially when used  with higher grade  condenser mics.   

While I am 74 and used to be an active Ham operator and built my own rigs and later built my own computers from parts and scratch.....times change, along with constant up grades.  So,  top of the line new sound gear, is  good to have along with great new software. 

The really interesting thing about today is that we can be helped with these steep learning curves on  forums such as these, and of course You Tube. 

I thank everyone for trying to point out a few new directions.   I will continue to poke and test these programs. semi worked once today... 

When I do find a solution,  I will come back in and try to explain . 

As a kid, I would not give up on Chinese puzzles....  lol..

Thanks again. 


Former user wrote on 3/2/2014, 6:16 PM

Last add....I'm using 8.1 with i5 4th geeration....MM2014 and Music Sttudio 2 and a Cubase product as I bought a UR44 from Steinberg.  The UR44 at the present is one of tahae most flexible audio interfaces.  You nmight want ot checkk it out....back to far, I don'at like it.  Its that learning curve thing...that said, so far no problems using it withthe aaboave staated programs and interface....I'm outta here....