Can't record MIDI from external keyboard

John-Stonecypher wrote on 10/8/2018, 9:39 PM

I am attempting to use my Casio PX-160 piano as a MIDI controller.  When I put the piano in MIDI mode (Local Control Off), it causes the piano to be unavailable to select in MusicMaker as my MIDI Input.  When I take my the piano out of MIDI mode, it becomes available to select for the MIDI Input.  Under both conditions I have tried to make a MIDI recording from the PX-160 -- putting MusicMaker in MIDI Recording mode, hitting record, and playing notes on my piano -- but in neither case has it worked. Th notes just don't show up on the scroll. Please help!


Xreama wrote on 10/9/2018, 1:07 PM

if you are having the same issue i am having you have to change the magix settings to audio playback to magix low latency ASIO driver... for some reason and god knows why and alot of us magix users are frustrated about it is they have removed Direct sound / Midi compatibility... pretty much forcing us to use there low latency version... dont get me wrong its ok, but the problem is now that you cannot use ANY OTHER programs that have sound at the same time. for example if your playback sound is also using skype / discord / teampeak / any form of Broadcasting software, any other media programs, you will not hear them... magix completely disables it... so unless they actually bring the direct sound / midi back... were stuck with this... unless you can figure a way to rollback

fan-boy wrote on 10/10/2018, 12:54 PM


i can use MM 2018 with on-board Realtek external speakers , and i can also listen to other programs on HDMI audio ( or headpnoes ) . just besure in windows audio properties to select HDMI audio( or headphones ) as the Default audio device and Default Communication Device ( 2 items ) . Then inside of Music Maker , use ASIO , Advanced button and manually select Realtek audio ( or what ever you want to hear MM with , do NOT select HDMI( or headphones ) as doing so will Lock Out HDMI( or headphones ) sound system causing other programs to NOT have acces to windows Default audio device ) .

in MM , manually select an audio device that is NOT window's default audio device , and all programs will be happy . The computer will be using 2 sound systems simaltaniouslly .

MM Samplitude all take Exclusive control of the sound device , simialr to what most Games do . However , Magix does allow manually selecting a particular sound system , other then window's Default .

Xreama wrote on 10/11/2018, 2:29 AM

i know that works but say for example when im livestreaming, its severely better for everyone to hear what i hear via 1 audio device, if i stream where the sound comes out my tv or speakers and the only way for others is to hear it is letting it get picked up from my microphone its stupid and distorted, let alone bloody annoying, no one wants to hear or watch that do they. direct sound was working perfectly for me even without latency loss with my midi, i had none... so why its being said that there was lag between the midi and what you hear i never had it. ive tested all probable ways for the viewers to hear what i hear without them having to listen to what i play and do via my damn microphone, there is none.... only valid way to do it is to fork out more money to buy an audio interface, plug in my microphone, my midi controller AND my headphones into the interface, i use a usb 7.1 headset, so i would also have to fork out for a jack lead headset to... can you see why this is upsetting not only me but ALOT of people...

Bluesea wrote on 10/11/2018, 10:14 PM

Jesus Christ. This question keeps popping up every couple of days.

1. make sure your a working MIDI keyboard is connected.

2. Change the settings to use the keyboard.