Can't get VST to record through Nektar Impact LX49+ MIDI Controller

Christopher-Tite wrote on 2/3/2024, 12:01 PM

I previously used the Nektar Impact LX49+ MIDI Controller with Samplitude Music Maker with no difficulties. I am now trying to use it with Samplitude Pro X7 Suite ( (DP3) - Unicode) and hitting a problem with recording. It seems fine at controlling VSTs - I can hear them play OK. However, when I try to record them, nothing is recorded. A MIDI object is created, but it is empty. I have consulted the MAGIX support pages on setting up MIDI controllers, but it does not seem to match the Programme Preferences options in my software, so I can't work out what it means. Under 'MIDI Options' I have set both the 'Global Record Device' and 'Global Play Device to 'Impact LX49+' My controller isn't listed as a device in 'Hardware Controller' 'Factory Presets,' so I have set up 'Mackie HUI' and then 'Impact LX49+' for both 'MIDI input' and 'MIDI output'. However, still nothing is recorded. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Thank you.


SP. wrote on 2/3/2024, 12:17 PM

@Christopher-Tite The Hardware Controller setup isn't that important for MIDI recording. Its purpose is to connect the faders, knobs and buttons on your MIDI Controller with things like the Play, Stop or Record function or the volume faders.

To record MIDI simply activate your MIDI controller as an input device and then select it as an input in the track options. Also check if there is a MIDI channel filter activated. Then you need to change the channel on your controller or configure Samplitude respectively.

I also recommend to not set your controller as an output device. You might send notes in a loop.

For more suggestions, you should upload screenshots of all your settings (Samplitude system settings and track settings) via the arrow icon above the response text box.

In the meantime you can also contact customer support at But it might take some days until you'll get a response.

Christopher-Tite wrote on 2/4/2024, 6:20 AM

Thanks, SP. I attach a screen shot showing both MIDI settings in 'Audio Setup' and Track settings. At your suggestion I have changed 'MIDI Output' to not be the controller. In the track settings I have set MIDI In to my controller and out to the VST. Channels are set to 'All.' I'm afraid I don't know what a 'MIDI channel filter' is, but hopefully you can tell from the screenshot whether one is activated(?)

SP. wrote on 2/4/2024, 6:41 AM

@Christopher-Tite Yes, Ch. In is the filter. But you set it to All and it should receive all MIDI data from your keyboard.

If the instruments can be played fine they receive your MIDI input. Now we have to find out why nothing gets recorded.

Do you know what MIDIIN2 is? Maybe you need to activate that input?

Please check in the track settings if your track has MIDI recording enabled.