Can not get ACID pro 10 to stop randomly crashing HELP

Phillip-Dav wrote on 8/6/2022, 6:30 PM

I can not get ACID pro 10 to stop randomly crashing and I lose or have to redo  my project if I can, because the audio clips used end up being corrupted when you try and load the "autosaved,bkup" file that is created from the crash, then out of the multitude of files I have and most will have.  It seems I have to do screenshot while I am working just to try and locate the files/sample/midi whatever I was using in the middle of my creation process. this is beyond maddening, I have other programs and shouldn't have to buy acid 11 just to have a stable program. This is not the first time this has happened, I just bought this earlier this year a lil before 11. No other applications crash this frequently , I use UE4 5, 3Ds Max, twitch stream, and guess what in UE I trigger tons of samples, audio clips with animation, physics being calculated in real time and do not crash.

This is beyond maddening, I feel at this point I should start pursing a refund or free upgrade to the stable version of the program.


Phillip-Dav wrote on 8/6/2022, 6:35 PM

PC i71200k, 16gb (acid will crash no matter the amount in use) , program is installed on m.2, scratch disk is sata SSD, was bought specifically to be use for acid and FL (once again fl doesn't crash on this same hardware), updated Window 10, 3060ti

Former user wrote on 8/6/2022, 8:49 PM

@Phillip-Dav, I'm sorry to tell you that what you are experiencing is one of the MANY problems with AP8 through 11. This is a known issue and has been for a couple of years. Are there work arounds...? sometimes, but the issue in the end,is with Magix. There is a PROMISED 'update' on the way to fix this and many of the other problems that plague AP but we (users or past users) don't hold our breath...but we do hope.

I , like you, have lost hours of work because of this very issue and others...(had any problems with VSTs....?). If you look through the forum you'll get an idea of the chaos that is AP. Hopefully Magix will fix this great little program and we can get on with our creative lives and leave behind this on going frustration and struggle with AP.

My best advice and I know you didn't ask for it, is to find a DAW that works for you till AP is FIXED.

Kindest Regards

Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick wrote on 8/7/2022, 11:45 AM

Phillip, if you can, not sure how you will but if you can get a hold of Acid Pro 7, that is the last stable version. I run a studio and believe it or not, my bread and butter is AP7. Mind you, it is being used as a fast idea slate. But once I am happy with the rough draft, the stems all go to either Bitwig or Studio one for further production (because no other DAW has the same browser setup, pick n paint feature like Acid). Have to export stems because AP7 lacks reliable MIDI and 64bit plugins. Unfortunately, AP8 thru AP11 are a disaster like Mystery Man said. We all wish this awesome program had gone to a caring company but now we are at Magix's mercy. I paid for AP8 thru AP10 and yet I am using AP7. Just frustrating. I made numerous songs on AP7 but couldn't even make a single tune on AP8 thru 10. So you are not alone. I still have a terrible feeling that Magix is still going to run it into the ground & my only hope is that soon someone else will buy the code from them and advance it properly.

Maybe offer AP7 to frustrated users as a band-aid until they fix this program instead of cranking out useless updates or upgrades and shamelessely asking for more money???

Phillip-Dav wrote on 8/7/2022, 12:59 PM

@ AP11-is-Crashing-too, You are correct I thought I was crazy because, I as well made songs in AP7 and it seemed to work like a charm and my set up was worse. Thats lame, guess I'm seeking refund then, they know that when it comes to creativity, you have to use the tool that fits with your mindset. I can use the same data in say FL studio the song/track will come out different because of the way I have to access the tools / interface setup. I don't want that, that is counter productive. I don't want to support/ contribute the continued scam as I feel I was.

Phillip-Dav wrote on 8/7/2022, 1:07 PM

@mystery-man, thanks for the input and I have looked through the forums just a little, thats what made me post, which when looking just added to my anger at the time. My other I am being forced to use is FL studio, so will just be working on getting a refund to cover the cost of the other DAW I am having to purchase and use. I am not made of money. I will never understand how a legal copy of a program is broken by default. It seems like its out here on purpose to slow down folks. Could be just my theory but I say this because you see this in other parts of the "creation" industry that have tools* but their actually road blocks.