
mark-h7406 wrote on 11/13/2021, 11:06 AM

I had just received some kind of Windows update in 10 .. then it would not open and the eLicenser would not respond at all .. no options work .. the green button for activation a program is a pale grey.. not green .. will not change or usable . So, I said "well, might as well get W11. So, I did .. still .. the same problem. I have the newest version of eLicenser .. my firewall has it able to get through .. so ..... ...... .....

Thanks for any help with this!



SP. wrote on 11/13/2021, 1:04 PM

@mark-h7406 I would suggest you contact Steinberg support.

emmrecs wrote on 11/13/2021, 2:56 PM


As @SP. says, Spectralayers Pro is now a Steinberg product. Hence the advice to contact their support.

Forum Moderator

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mark-h7406 wrote on 11/13/2021, 7:25 PM

Yeah, I thought of that .. he gave me a elc installation helper program .. that didn't work either ..

I did that before I posted this query..

Thanks for your replies! .. I will try him out again .. He was thinking that he might need to get into my pc and do it himself .. but that I ought to try the installation helper first.

I was wondering if anyone else had the same complaint or problem .. to where if it was or wasn't a Windows update that caused this problem... cause all things were good till I saw microsoft install an update that it didn't let me know in advance .. I hate that ..

Thanks you guys!


SP. wrote on 11/14/2021, 1:35 AM

@mark-h7406 As far as I could check this problem is caused by the eLicenser. I would suggest you uninstall Steinbergs licensing manager completely and reinstall it.

mark-h7406 wrote on 11/15/2021, 3:01 AM

Yeah, .. I have done that .. a couple of times .. still .. the same

SP. wrote on 11/15/2021, 4:38 AM


Not sure if this will help, but it's worth a try.

I uninstalled eLicenser and then I searched my whole C:\ Drive and my whole registry (not with normal regedit, but with RegCool which features much better search) for the following strings:




I deleted all files/keys that seemed legit matches and not only white noise. Including some registry keys that clearly had to do with DCOM.

Then I reinstalled latest eLicenser. It is working now.