
mrtrumpet wrote on 5/13/2014, 4:36 PM

I'm not exactly sure what your question means.  But if it means can I add music I create in MM to my phone the answer is yes.  Simply export it as an MP3 and use as a ring tone or other music for your phone.

If you're asking if you can input commercial songs and then export to your phone that's a different matter.  Technically I think you can but that would involve the process of getting the audio to MM and then exporting it.  I think it can be done, but others can explain the process better.  Plus I think you might need another Magix application to do it.



coonsanders wrote on 5/13/2014, 4:59 PM


Yeah ok thanks which software would I need besides mm?


Former user wrote on 5/13/2014, 7:13 PM

Magix doesn't use software.  They sell software you use.  Other software you migaht consider is Nuendo, Sampliatude, Qbase, Sequel, CAkewalk, Finale, Pro-Audio and several others.....but first visit their respective websites and assure yoursself that you are up to the task to buy, install, and understnad completely all athe features they all offer.  There is also tons of "freeware" for you to inspect....and believe it or not, but some freeware is actually virus free...but not all. 

nihon94 wrote on 5/13/2014, 8:43 PM

Once upon a time there was MAGIX Ringtone Maker but I think it is not available on Magix site. There are other options:

Make online ringtone for mobile

Check the link below for free and shareware software for ringtones.

