
Former user wrote on 3/25/2014, 6:50 PM

If you had asked the question ONCE and not THREE times, the answer would have been YES...ask the question twice and the answer is SOMETIMES....ask the question 3 times and the answer is .....Actually you can post on the Show and Discuss part of this forum

alex_7827 wrote on 3/26/2014, 1:28 AM

thnks for ur reply... i deleted those previous same questions... actually i wanted to know whether i can use music credits in my name??? cause i made it... !!!  i have recorded the whole song in the studio... and i wanted to share on youtube...

Former user wrote on 3/26/2014, 6:27 PM

Even tho' you "made" it, you used Magix soundpool  samples, I would guess.....those, you didn't make, so you can make no money or compensation on your efforts.  You can post on YouTube