
cpc000cpc wrote on 6/5/2013, 4:55 AM


Hard to answer without some more information...

  • Did you created your slideshow with MEP's Slideshow Maker, or did you do everything (photo durations and transitions styles) by hand?
  • If you used Slideshow Maker, did you save you setting as a style template?
  • Do you have your original project, or do you only have your exported movie?

Best bet would be having saved a style template and applying it to a new set of photos -- and better if you haven't use much 'randomness'.. If all you have is your exported slide show as a single video clip then I think its only use would be a reference to try and manually copy each transition.

Perhaps others have better suggestions?



msoar wrote on 6/5/2013, 8:00 AM

Hi,sorry I wasn't more specific.. no, I did not use the slidshow maker.. this is a project that I did manually and I do still have the project on my computer.... I have nice transitions and good timing to the music, so would just like to change the photos only.... does this help?


cpc000cpc wrote on 6/5/2013, 7:26 PM


This is how I tried it -- tedious but seems to work ***:

Open your old project (a copy thereof!) and bring in all your new pictures on an empty track below the existing objects. It might help to move the audio, titles etc down out of the way. 

For each transition do a right click (on the little [A|B] transition icon, and pick 'Save as fade template...'.

This will save a .trp file, probably in the folder Plugins/TransitionsPresests.

To apply this preset to the corresponding new object you right click on its fade icon and choose the transition you just saved off the menu.

When done delete the original track of photos. Maybe better just mute it in case you need to go back to fix anything!

*** There are complications -- I'm learning as I go!

Things are moving on tracks other than the one where I'm applying the transition. Lock all other tracks with the little padlock icon at the left.

The type and length of the transition gets saved but not the photo length nor any added effects of the objects it joins. First drag your object across to match the transition length you're copying and adjust the length of the photo. This isn't to hard if you have the 'Snap' feature enabled with the magnet icon. Might be sensible to do all this as you bring in each photo.

For any effects you can do a right click on the original object (not the fade icon this time) and pick 'Video effects' >> 'Copy video effects...', and then repeat on your new object to 'Paste video effects...'.

If you've done multiple track stuff like collages and picture-in-picture, sorry you're on you own! 

