Can I change the BPM during a song without affecting the whole song?

Alan-Emery wrote on 3/10/2024, 3:01 PM

The title asks the question. I am creating a song that starts out at 95 BPM and I want to increase the beat after about 50 bars without changing the whole song. Is this possible? I really hate the idea of changing the tempo for each individual loop, which ends up sounding like crap anyway. If not, can I create two projects, each with their own beat, and then combine them to make one whole project?


SP. wrote on 3/12/2024, 8:04 AM

@Alan-Emery In Music Maker there is only one tempo for the whole project. So I recommend that you export your projects as a WAV file and load the file into a new project. There you can cut your WAV file into parts and edit each part with the Tempo Pitch Resample effect.

Alan-Emery wrote on 3/12/2024, 9:41 AM

Thanks SP ... I see how this works.. I took a song created at 100 BPM and another at 135 BPM and placed it in a new project set to 80 BPM and was able to work with with them. One thing is for sure, if I have a song in mind that would change beats, I'd have to do a whole lot of planning, much more than usual, only because once you create a wave file to merge into a new project, it needs to be exactly what is visioned due to not being able to go back and edit the wave file in the new project.

Don't take me wrong, because I really like MMM, but out of curiosity, is there software that does allow one to change the BPM in a song during creation that you know of? If there is, I imagine it is a high end software for real professionals.

Alan-Emery wrote on 3/12/2024, 9:50 AM

Looking a little deeper, both wave files, one created at 100 BPM and another at 135 BPM, when looking at them in the Object effects -> Tempo pitch/resample section, state that they are at 180 BPM, even though the project is set to 80 BPM. Any idea as to why the tempo is set so high? Just trying to wrap my head around how the software operates.

SP. wrote on 3/12/2024, 3:24 PM

@Alan-Emery Samplitude Music Studio has the option the change the tempo during a project. It is a program like Music Maker but with a lot of more features and therefore a more complex to learn and use.

As far as I know Music Maker starts the tempo effect automatically if you use loops with a different tempo than your project BPM or if you change the tempo while working on your project.