
alkymist wrote on 8/23/2009, 3:16 PM
I have just bought edit pro 14, but everytime I´ll try to burn I read:

you have selected a burner that cannot burn DVD´s

but my burner is DELL
48xDVD-CDROM/CD-RW Combo Drive ? NO SW Decode( N-series & WXP)

Another Quistion: Can I install the program on my lap-top, I have same e-mail on that.

Please, can you help

Kind Regards

Stig Nielsen


ralftaro wrote on 8/24/2009, 10:23 AM

Are you sure this optical drive can actually *burn* DVDs? Is this a slightly older system? Might be one of those combo drives from a few years ago that can read CDs & DVDs, but only actually write to CD media.

Can you install the program on your laptop? Well, I suppose that depends on whether that machine meets the system requirements of Movie Edit Pro 14. According to the license agreement, you're only allowed to have it on one system at a time. So, you might want to uninstall it from the other system first.

The system requirements of the program are documented on the package and in the manual.

I hope this helps.