Burn Audio CD

jgiove wrote on 1/28/2015, 1:29 PM

I just bought Music Maker 2014 Premium and want to burn an audio CD with 25 tracks of audio along wiht the titles that shows up in CD players. In the export and share submenu the selections for burning audio cd are geyed out and not selectable.

Why is that?


How do I burn an audio CD after I've mastered it in Music Maker 2014 Premium?



browj2 wrote on 1/28/2015, 2:29 PM


Did you download and install all of the free addons? See under Help, Update program/Update functions, Download free synthesizer and sound package.

For burning, see pages 30, 79 and 232 in the manual. Simple right?

Now that you are well confused by all of that, here is the simple explanation.

Since you have MMM2014 Premium, it will have installed Music Editor 3. Check this by going to Windows All Programs, Magix, Magix Music Maker 2014 Premium, click on it and you should see Music Editor 3. CD mastering is done in Music Editor 3, not Music Maker.

If it's there, then all is fine.

Go back to MMM. Make sure that you have about 2 sec between your songs. From the top menu, select File, Export, Burn audio to CD-R (W) or use the shortcut Shift+C. This will open the explorer for you to export to a WAV file. Give it a name and location. Export.

Now open Music Editor 3. Import the WAV file that you just created. You should see a screen like below:

Notice that I created my tracks - that is, they are numbered. As I indicated, if you left about 2 seconds between songs, it should be obvious in the waveform. At the top, click on CD, Set track marker automatically (or Ctrl+M), and it will place markers wherever it detects a break in the music. Check this to make sure that it worked and it did not set a marker at a quiet passage in a song.

Select CD again, CD track list (or L) and fill in the table. The names will show up under the marker in the arranger. There is a way to re-order the markers so that the order on the CD changes if need be. Read up on this and the rest in the Music Editor manual (F1)

When you're finished, select CD again, Create CD (or B), or click on the Export tab and select Audio CD.

You may want to do some cleaning up before completing the process. See the tools under the tabs Cleaning and Mastering.

Just so you know, Music Editor is a stripped down version of Audio Cleaning Lab, which itself, or at least version 2014, is a stripped version of Audio & Music Lab 2014 Premium (AML). They all do the same thing for CD mastering, but the cleaning and mastering tools in AML are far superior to the other 2 products.

Please let me know if this helps.

Last changed by browj2 on 1/28/2015, 2:29 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

John C.B.

VideoPro X(16); Movie Studio 2025 Platinum; Music Maker 2025 Premium Edition; Samplitude Pro X8 Suite; see About me for more.

Desktop System - Windows 10 Pro 22H2; MB ROG STRIX B560-A Gaming WiFi; Graphics Card Zotac Gaming NVIDIA GeForce RTX-3060, PS; Power supply EVGA 750W; Intel Core i7-10700K @ 3.80GHz (UHD Graphics 630); RAM 32 GB; OS on Kingston SSD 1TB; secondary WD 2TB; others 1.5TB, 3TB, 500GB, 4TB, 5TB, 6TB, 8TB; three monitors - HP 25" main, LG 4K 27" second, HP 27" third; Casio WK-225 piano keyboard; M-Audio M-Track USB mixer.

Notebook - Microsoft Surface Pro 4, i5-6300U, 8 GB RAM, 256 SSD, W10 Pro 20H2.

YouTube Channel: @JCBrownVideos

browj2 wrote on 1/28/2015, 2:45 PM

Hi again,

I forgot to add in this which is a few steps above MMM. There are many similarities because they all have the same base. This is just in case you want to see how the pro's do it.

Kraznet has done a lot of tutorials, many of which are quite helpful for MMM users.

Last changed by browj2 on 1/28/2015, 2:45 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

John C.B.

VideoPro X(16); Movie Studio 2025 Platinum; Music Maker 2025 Premium Edition; Samplitude Pro X8 Suite; see About me for more.

Desktop System - Windows 10 Pro 22H2; MB ROG STRIX B560-A Gaming WiFi; Graphics Card Zotac Gaming NVIDIA GeForce RTX-3060, PS; Power supply EVGA 750W; Intel Core i7-10700K @ 3.80GHz (UHD Graphics 630); RAM 32 GB; OS on Kingston SSD 1TB; secondary WD 2TB; others 1.5TB, 3TB, 500GB, 4TB, 5TB, 6TB, 8TB; three monitors - HP 25" main, LG 4K 27" second, HP 27" third; Casio WK-225 piano keyboard; M-Audio M-Track USB mixer.

Notebook - Microsoft Surface Pro 4, i5-6300U, 8 GB RAM, 256 SSD, W10 Pro 20H2.

YouTube Channel: @JCBrownVideos

jgiove wrote on 1/29/2015, 11:21 AM

Thank you John CB! I read through it but did not try it yet. Right after posting my question I got an eviction notice and now have to scramble to find a place and move. I will try what you suggest over the weekend. Thanks again!

Former user wrote on 1/30/2015, 7:17 AM

Since you´ve got the music maker premium version you should have the

music studio, too. The music studio has more functions for mastering and

burning a CD.

So  you downmix each project in music maker to stereo wave audio (16Bit/44.1KHz).

All the wave files you load in one new project in music studio horizontally to create

an audio CD.

browj2 wrote on 1/30/2015, 10:20 AM


Good point. It's also possible to open an MMM project file directly into Music Studio. However, I have never tried doing this once effects and automation have been added. Have you done this and does Music Studio bring in everything correctly?

As for the CD mastering part, Magix has, for the most part, simply integrated the CD creation features of Music Editor into Music Studio. However, as you say, there are slightly more features in Music Studio, and the explanation in the manual is for more professional CD creation. It gets closer to the features of Samplitude and the Kraznet video tutorial that I referred to.

For the OP, this may add in a level of difficulty or it may be what he is looking for.

Question for you: I have not found a spectral cleaning tool in Samplitude Music Studio. I use Magix Audio & Music Lab 2014 Premium for this (or version 1 of Video Sound Cleaning Lab that has the destructive spectral editor). Have you seen or found something else?


If you have installed Music Studio, don't forget to download and install all of the addons - synths, instruments and sounds.

You didn't indicate if your 25 tracks are all in one MMM VIP project, or separate projects, i.e. one VIP per track (song). If you have 25 individual MMM files, then whether you use Music Editor or Music Studio, you have to mix down into wave files and bring them all in to the program to set them up for CD burning. I suggest that you review the manual so that you fully understand everything and don't miss out on anything.

Last changed by browj2 on 1/30/2015, 10:20 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

John C.B.

VideoPro X(16); Movie Studio 2025 Platinum; Music Maker 2025 Premium Edition; Samplitude Pro X8 Suite; see About me for more.

Desktop System - Windows 10 Pro 22H2; MB ROG STRIX B560-A Gaming WiFi; Graphics Card Zotac Gaming NVIDIA GeForce RTX-3060, PS; Power supply EVGA 750W; Intel Core i7-10700K @ 3.80GHz (UHD Graphics 630); RAM 32 GB; OS on Kingston SSD 1TB; secondary WD 2TB; others 1.5TB, 3TB, 500GB, 4TB, 5TB, 6TB, 8TB; three monitors - HP 25" main, LG 4K 27" second, HP 27" third; Casio WK-225 piano keyboard; M-Audio M-Track USB mixer.

Notebook - Microsoft Surface Pro 4, i5-6300U, 8 GB RAM, 256 SSD, W10 Pro 20H2.

YouTube Channel: @JCBrownVideos

Former user wrote on 1/31/2015, 12:12 AM


When I mentioned -mastering and burning an audio CD- I simply meant:

-inserting all finished projects as wave files

-setting track marks 

-adjusting the tracks to a similar sound quality and loudness

-burning the audio CD